
Heterogeneity and Aggregation in Modeling Infectious Diseases

Zhisheng Shuai

true  Thursday, 8:30 ! Ongoingin  Schultz Theatrefor  60min

Mathematical modelling is an important tool for understanding and controlling the spread of infectious diseases. Heterogeneity, which refers to differences in factors such as demographics, behaviour, susceptibility, infectiousness, and disease severity within a population, plays a critical role in disease transmission and control. Incorporating heterogeneity into models can help researchers better understand disease spread across subpopulations and design more targeted control strategies. However, heterogeneous models can be high-dimensional and complex, leading to theoretical challenges in modelling analysis. Moreover, data collections in the field are often in the forms of aggregation, making modeling implementation challenging. In this talk, we will discuss recent developments and remaining challenges in modeling infectious diseases with a focus on heterogeneity and aggregation. The goal is to provide attendees with valuable insights into the significance of incorporating heterogeneity into models and effective ways to address associated challenges.

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